web design auckland

one page law firm website / barrister

Amanda Courtney, Northland New Zealand Barrister, required a logo design and a one page website design reflecting her Northland NZ location.

Barrister Amanda Courtney logo design

barrister - logo design

Amanda wanted the logo to depict a kererū, or native New Zealand wood pigeon commonly found in her beautiful northland NZ beach location. We designed a minimal wood pigeon icon with a sans-serif text font.

website photography

The custom web design uses a full-width image banner of the Northland New Zealand location photographed by Allan MacGillivray, our inhouse professional photographer.

Barrister One page law firm website design

Above image: Shows the parallax image banner on scroll-down.

custom website design

The advantage of a custom website design is that it is unique to your business and not reliant on the confines of a template.

The minimal one page, custom website design for our barrister client made use of white space and fade-in animation with a scroll-down menu. We used the latest responsive website coding standards to ensure a smooth layout transition on all devices from the smallest smart phone to the largest retina screen.

The website included an embedded Google location map and contact form.

The logo and website design project was completed in under three weeks from the initial proposal to the 'live' website. The project included logo design, web design, website development & testing, and SEO (search engine optimisation) along with keyword research.

ssl secure hosting & domain

We registered a domain name and set-up secure website hosting on our Auckland NZ servers with a SSL certificate.

client comments

" I love it !!!! Thanks very much for all the hard work." - Amanda Courtney, Barrister


Amanda Courtney Barrister


February 2023


Branding / Logo Design
Website Design
SSL Web Hosting
Domain Name Registration

Launch Website

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