how to design a website for higher conversions

13th November 2022, Mary Aspen Richardson

A great website design for higher conversions

How can you design a website for high conversions?

First impressions matter, and it is hard to change them. Whether we talk about personal life or business, it is crucial to leave an excellent first impression. That is how you create strong relationships that are based on trust and understanding. If we look at this from the angle of creating a website, the first impression will, in most cases, decide whether the visitor will come back again or not. That will directly affect your conversion rate.

With that in mind, how can we design a website for higher conversions? If you stick around, we will show you a very efficient and straightforward way to capture visitors' attention and convert them into loyal, returning customers!

1.  A simple experience goes a long way

It is a fact that websites that offer a simple experience have higher conversion rates. That is because the website's design does not shift customers' focus from essential things with too shiny aesthetics and unimportant functionalities. That is very important to understand.

If we go back to making a strong impression, it all comes down to designing a compact, straight-to-the-point homepage. When visitors visit your website, they need to understand its purpose in seconds. The more time they need to comprehend the website purpose, the higher the chances are they will close the tab.

However, if you focus on classical navigation, a powerful brand message, and a minimal design, you will leave an excellent first impression. That is why the importance of web design has grown over time. You can achieve many things with subtle yet essential changes.

2. Speed up your website

Another reason why a visitor might immediately leave your website is due to a slow page loading speed. That will increase the bounce rate and kill your conversions.

Optimize your website for page loading speed

Bad coding standards will substantially slow down the website's loading speed and negatively affect the SEO.

Unfortunately, people are becoming more and more impatient over time. The average consumer's attention span is rapidly shortening, and you only have a window of a couple of seconds to get them to stay longer. The best way to improve the loading speed of your website is to:

●  implement an efficient minimal website design
●  reduce the number of unnecessary images, and optimize them for web design
●  make sure you have quality web hosting services
●  audit backend coding to make sure it's not slowing website loading time
●  cut down on widgets, plugins, and ads

3.  Quality images affect conversions in a positive manner

A picture is worth a thousand words. That could not be more true in web design. Photos usually send solid messages and can influence consumers in many ways.

When using images to design a website for higher conversions, it is essential to follow one simple rule. Use high-quality images in smaller numbers. That is a much better approach than uploading low-quality photos that would load faster but look awful.

Images represent a wild factor on your website and have an essential purpose. They also improve the SEO of your website. Smartly use them where it matters.

4.  A/B website testing is necessary

Change is a motivator. It helps you to move forward. Without it, there would be no life on Earth.

When applying any business strategy, you must test it to ensure it performs efficiently. A/B testing is crucial for web design because you can precisely see whether a change impacts the conversion rate.

A/B web design testing for website conversions

It is impossible to keep your customers and acquire new ones if you don’t design a website for higher conversions.

For example, if you change the homepage and notice a slight increase in the conversion rate, you should not stop there. You should continue to make another change and note the difference. After making more minor changes, you will see the optimal design.

You can also test alternative website design versions to see which performs better.

Whatever digital marketing trend you utilize, it is crucial to test it and see how it performs under different circumstances and conditions.

5.  Redesign your CTA button to be obvious

The CTA or call-to-action button is the most important button on your website. It brings the visitor one step closer to becoming a paying customer. A simple rule you should follow is that the visitor can find the CTA button in under 3 seconds. It should stand out from other elements on the web page.

Furthermore, the text on the button also plays an essential role. It should invite the visitor to:

●  subscribe
●  sign up
●  join free
●  learn more
●  get a discount

Remember that these options work great independently, but you should never combine them. That will confuse the user, because they will not know where to go first.

Instead, stick to one strong CTA button and pick a message that best suits customers' needs.

6.  Mobile optimization is a must

As a last piece of advice, it is imperative to mention mobile optimization. More than 80% of people use mobile devices instead of a computer when browsing the internet. That is a massive pool of customers. If you do not optimize for mobile, they will simply leave the website due to a poor experience.

Mobile Optimization: higher website conversions and ranking

You must design a powerful mobile website to grab the most significant piece of the digital world cake.

Furthermore, Google greatly values websites that are optimized for mobile devices. It ranks them higher, because it recognizes the importance of this optimization strategy.

Design a website for higher conversions by following these simple principles

While many strategies will help you design a website for higher conversions, our suggestions are the most efficient ones. Nevertheless, that should not stop you from exploring other possibilities. The best approach is to mix a couple of different methods and find out what works best for the needs of your business.

Do not forget about the customer experience and journey because that drives everything.

Best of luck creating a simple experience that will attract customers to your business and do wonders for the conversion rate!

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